A few definitions to describe my conditions at the moment..
1. StressDefinition - Stress is simply a fact of nature, forces from the outside world affecting the individual. The individual responds to stress in ways that affect the individual as well as their environment.
In general, stress is related to both external and internal factors. External factors include the physical environment, including your job, your relationships with others, your home, and all the situations, challenges, difficulties, and expectations you're confronted with on a daily basis. Internal factors determine your body's ability to respond to, and deal with, the external stress-inducing factors. Internal factors which influence your ability to handle stress include your nutritional status, overall health and fitness levels, emotional well-being, and the amount sleep and rest you get.
How can you relieve stress?
You will feel better if you can find ways to get stress out of your system. The best ways to relieve stress are different for each person. Try some of these ideas to see which ones work for you:
- Exercise. Regular exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress. Walking is a great way to get started.
- Write. It can help to write about the things that are bothering you.
- Let your feelings out. Talk, laugh, cry, and express anger when you need to with someone you trust.
- Do something you enjoy. A hobby can help you relax. Volunteer work or work that helps others can be a great stress reliever.
- Learn ways to relax your body. This can include breathing exercises, muscle relaxation exercises, massage, aromatherapy, yoga, or relaxing exercises like tai chi and qi gong.
- Focus on the present. Try meditation, imagery exercises, or self-hypnosis. Listen to relaxing music. Try to look for the humor in life. Laughter really can be the best medicine.

2. Depressed
Definition - If you have depression, you may feel hopeless and sad or stop feeling pleasure from almost everything you do. You may feel down in the dumps, tearful, or discouraged. Hobbies and friends don’t interest you like they used to; you’re exhausted all the time; and just getting through the day can be overwhelming. When you’re depressed, things may feel hopeless, but with help and support you can get better.
If you identify with several of the following signs and symptoms, and they just won’t go away, you may be suffering from clinical depression.
- you can’t sleep or you sleep too much
- you can’t concentrate or find that previously easy tasks are now difficult
- you feel hopeless and helpless
- you can’t control your negative thoughts, no matter how much you try
- you have lost your appetite or you can’t stop eating
- you are much more irritable and short-tempered than usual
- you have thoughts that life is not worth living (Seek help immediately if this is the case)
Currently, im suffering from these two symptons..may be i cant handle these things anymore la. Xreti dh camne nk ckp...research ni sgt mmbuatkanku rs nk givup giler dh. Sgt susah kot untuk handle these..mygod..xtau nk ckp, nk nangis pon ade rsnyer.. Sgt susah rpnye utk blajar ni ye...kadang2, rasa down yg amat2 sgt smpai terfikir nk berenti jer...Arrgggghhhhh....tp ye la..org ckp, buat ape pon...xde yg senang kt dunia ni..Sempena bulan ramadhan ni, sy terpaksala kene byk2 bersabar...tp rasa mcm..xtahan lg dh..TENSION SGT2..NAK BALIK~!