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    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Boy or Girl?

    Masa dok blogwalking..terjmpa la satu list sonok lak..hehe..Tak kira, nk post jgk kt, kepada sape2 yg tgh pregnant tu, judge la korang camne, bukanye buleh caye 100% kan.saje suka2.

    1. You are carrying the extra weight out front, so it's a boy.
    (Nik cam sama berat je blakang depan..huu)

    2. The hair on your legs is not growing any faster during your preganacy, so it's a girl.
    ( sama..mmg not growing faster.keke)

    3. Girls are carried high. You are going to have a girl.
    (Ha ahh..semua org ckp kdudukan perut nik

    4. Sleeping in a bed with your pillow to the north indicates that you will be having a boy.
    (cam random je tido..kejap kiri..kejap kanan..kjp perut kt ats..hmm)

    5. Your feet are not colder than they were before pregnancy. You are having a girl.
    (kaki cam biasa2 je..sejuukk kot)

    6. You refuse to eat the heel of a loaf of bread. You are having a girl.
    (i hentam je the whole roti tu..keke)

    7. Dad-to-be hasn't been gaining weight along with Mom-to-be, so it will be a girl.
    (ha ahhlaa..husband nik trun nik naik 15kg..huuuu)

    8. The maternal grandmother doesn't have gray hair (dyed or natural), so a girl will be born.
    (yg ni cam xsure lak)

    9. You didn't have morning sickness early in pregnancy, so it will be a boy.
    (alhamdulillah..morning sicknes nik, xde la nk ckp xde kurangla..biasa2 je..)

    10. You are looking particularly good during pregnancy. Therefore, it must be a boy, because girls steal their mother's looks.
    (hihihi...yg ni xtau..korangla kene judge..nnti ckp perasan syok sendiri lak..haha)

    11. Your chest development has not been very dramatic during pregnancy. You should expect a boy.
    (ooo..yg ni mmg i sgt2 ler tembam tahap gabannn hokkkeeyyy!)

    12. Since the sum of the mother's age at conception and the number of the month of conception is even, it will be a boy.
    (ni pon xsure..ape benda nih?)

    13. A needle on a thread held over your belly moves in circles, so you will have a boy.

    14. Your urine is a bright neon yellow color, so you will have a boy.
    (cam tak sama je ngan kaler yg dia ckp..hmmm)

    15. You have a craving for salty or sour foods, which means that it is a boy.
    (owh..i memang sgt2 tak suka makan asam2 time pregnant ni..mmg langsung tak nak! nak yg manis2 je cam coklat ke..aiskrim ke..nyum2 - harusla beli aiskrim jp lg utk berbuka!)

    16. Your nose hasn't changed during pregnancy, which indicates a girl.
    ( nose mmg xde perubahan..xmcm org lain pregnant, idung jdi sdkit kembang ke, or merah2 nik tak de lak..biasa2 jeee)

    17. You have been craving fruits, so it is a girl.
    (betoll...tepat sekali..ezpecially tembikai, honey jackfruit ngan mangga mas itam tu..manisnyeee..sedaaapp)

    18. Your baby's heart rate is below 140 beats per minute, so it's a boy.
    (yg ni xtau..setiap kali check up..xpernah pon tnye nurse..brape heart rate baby.)

    19. You have no desire for orange juice, so it's a boy.
    (i suka je orange jus..ngan carrot susu..slurppp!!)

    20. You are not having headaches, so it's a girl.
    ( mmg seriusly kte sgt kurang sakit kepala..sepanjang pregnant ni..awal2 pregnant dlu je ade rs pening2..skrg ni mmg langsung xde..berat perut tu adela..kik3

    21. Your belly looks like a watermelon, so it's a girl.
    (sgt sama..mmg sebijik macam tembikai perut i..ngeh ngeh)

    22. You show them the palm of your hand, so it's a girl.
    (ape ni? xpaham laaa)

    23. You use the body of the mug, so it's a girl.
    (nik pgg tmpt pgg dia..xpgg body..btol ke jwpn ni?)


    Amanda Eltiqaz said...

    aii...pening lak..boleh caya je bnda ni k nik? hehe..

    Lina said...

    Cyg k ina, xkisah la bby girl ke boy, janji best..huk huk...windu mommy baby~~

    Nikiey said...

    dee: xleh caye pon..kalau nk tau boy or girl kene la gi 3D Scan..hehe.

    Kakina: kakina ku!!!!! lame nye kamu mendiamkan diri..dimanakah kamu..diriku merinduimu~~ mommy baby yg cute!! baby sihat? hehe

    Amanda Eltiqaz said...

    haha..3D scan tu yang tak lalu...masa dia 7 bln 2 kali dh scan..malas lak nak scan lagi pasni..masih tak tau boy or girl..huk huk..

    ka nik due bila nie?